Joshua Kim
Joshua Kim
Designer | Maker | Dreamer


Human-centered innovation that knows no bounds.



A self-taught and adventurous Maker, I love to explore ideas, processes, fabrication methods, and technologies to create innovative solutions.

Being a problem solver, leader, and innovator is important to me, and I am constantly seeking out new problems to solve, especially within the medical space where I am currently leading surgical residents and physicians through innovation projects at the Medical University of South Carolina.

The Endeavour rocket: an 8ft tall level 2 high powered fiberglass rocket. Flown May 22, 2017.

The Endeavour rocket: an 8ft tall level 2 high powered fiberglass rocket. Flown May 22, 2017.

Unleashing Creativity 

My passion to create emotional, impactful, and innovative solutions fuels my creativity. These processes include many cycles of iterations and design research. Through challenges, success, and failure, there are always experiences to learn from and grow through. Innovation is not easy, but it is this difficulty that makes it so enjoyable and exciting...and each project is a testament to this excitement! 
