Working with a startup called MOGO Entertainment, I helped my team research and create a platform for dancers to improve their dance and connect with others. Studying interaction design, we focused on creating a user-centered platform that gives dancers all the resources they need to improve their art. From user interviews to paper and digital platform prototyping, we helped create a new experience for dancers.  

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The Current Digital Dance Experience is Off-Beat

With the rise of social media and media sharing, one would expect that it would be easy for dancers to get relevant feedback, connect, learn, and share their work. This is unfortunately not the case. Many dancers we interviewed expressed disappointment with the disconnect between dancers through an online platform, as well as desires for a single platform that can help them learn while getting relevant feedback from other dancers. While many different platforms such as Youtube and Instagram promote the sharing of creative work, there is no platform that integrates learning and community specifically relating to dance in a single way. 

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Curated Content: What You Want When You Want It

MOGO contains video content that is specifically curated for each user. As this is a platform created for dancers specifically, media content on the application are all dance related. Based off of user research, there is an option for sorting content by genre, as well as an option to create a profile page to individually personalize the user's app experience. There is also an encore button, which not only promotes positive support but also acts as a call to action for users to upload more videos. 

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Learning Made Easy

MOGO features video playback options native to the application to help dancers learn new dances. By giving users the option to change playback speed, mirror video, and create repeatable loops on the video playback page, we are enabling efficient dance learning. As dance takes extreme repetition and careful attention to detail to learn, our video playback options facilitates learning by mimicking the learning process that one would experience while practicing in a dance studio.

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Relevant Feedback from Verified Users 

Receiving relevant feedback was a concern many of our users spoke about during our interviews. Using these findings, we integrated a system for Verified Users (such as those who have won challenges or professional dancers) to leave relevant feedback on dance video uploads. This not only encourages growth, but allows for community feedback and connection through dance. Verified Users would help create a connected community of constructive feedback for dancers uploading to the app. 

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Is That a Challenge?

Even though it is an art, dance can also be fun and competitive. MOGO features challenges that users can participate in by uploading their own dance videos. Themed challenges allow for creative exploration through dance as well as community inspiration. Users can join challenges as a Crew (group of friends) or Solo, further giving users more creative freedom and expression. 

The MOGO Interaction Design TeamLeft to right: Ivan Calvachi, Joshua Kim, Jasmine Kim, Joe Burke

The MOGO Interaction Design Team
Left to right: Ivan Calvachi, Joshua Kim, Jasmine Kim, Joe Burke

Paper prototyping of concepts with users

Paper prototyping of concepts with users

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Digital prototyping and interaction testing done using Figma.

Digital prototyping and interaction testing done using Figma.